When preparing for your first day at your new job, there are some key questions to ask your employer. For example, if your employer specifies that you can work a flexible schedule, make sure that you clarify what that means. There may be a set “core” hours during the day where every employee is expected to be online. For other workplaces, employees might be expected to begin their work day within a certain time period ( e.g., between 8-10am). Other good questions to ask your supervisor so that you’re both on the same page include:

  • How should I communicate my working hours to the team?
  • Am I expected to track my time?
  • When are team meetings?
  • When and how should I report or meet with my supervisor?
  • With whom will I work closely and what are their roles?
  • What technology do I need?
  • Are there any login credentials I should set up?
  • When are any events/sessions/meetings I should attend during your first week?
  • What should I do if I am sick and unable to work?
  • How will my performance be evaluated?