Networking can enhance your personal and professional growth. Not only does it allow you to share ideas, knowledge and your personal experiences, it can often result in new opportunities. Experts estimate that 70% to 85% of jobs are filled through networking. Networking can be a stressful experience for first-timers. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a networking event:

1. Relax

You won’t become a networking expert overnight, so give yourself some credit for showing up to networking events in the first place. Think of it as an opportunity to meet new people and have interesting conversations. Be yourself! Not only will you be more at ease without trying to hold up a facade, but your conversations will appear more natural and you’ll more easily connect with like-minded people.

2. Pre-networking: dress appropriately and do your research

Find a balance between clothes that help you feel confident and look presentable. Although some networking events can have specific dress codes, business casual is always a good option. As for the event itself, research the attendees in advance if you know who will be attending so you ask them thoughtful and relevant questions. If you don’t know the attendees but find yourself having some great conversations, ask for business cards or suggest connecting via LinkedIn.  

3. Follow basic courtesies

Just like at any other events, be courteous and respectful of others. Allow others to join your networking circle and don’t monopolize the conversation. A good rule of thumb is 15-20 minutes per conversation. This ensures that the conversation doesn’t drag on longer than it should, and that the attendees can meet other people during the event. And if you ask someone for their contact information, make sure you follow up with them after.