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September 24, 2018

BHER welcomes delegation from the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences

This morning, the Business/Higher Education Roundtable hosted a pan-African group of business and post-secondary leaders for a session on the value of work-integrated learning and developing industry/academic partnerships.

Delegates on the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Partner Study Tour are spending two weeks in Canada meeting with groups focused on skills, education and employment policy.

“BHER was instrumental to linking AIMS with a range of industry, higher education and government stakeholders for the industry partner study tour and facilitating the necessary reflective space to inform work-integrated learning approaches and skills innovation in the African context,” says Peter Szyszlo, Senior Program Co-Ordinator of AIMS Canada.

During the morning session, BHER held a panel with partners from the Mining Industry Human Resources Council, the Conference Board of Canada and Polytechnics Canada on creating work-integrated learning programs. A major focus of the conversation was how Canada and African countries are adapting to demographic pressures and the changing world of work.

Click here to learn more about AIMS.