Connecting leaders. Building capacity. Driving change.

Board of Directors

With representation from business and post-secondary sectors, BHER’s Board of Directors represents major sectors of the economy, regions of the country and the diversity of Canada’s higher education community. Board Directors are elected by BHER’s members to provide strategic direction, establish BHER’s vision and spearhead its initiatives. Internally, the Board of Directors elects officers, including a Chair and two Vice-Chairs, to provide leadership to the Board’s activities and mandate.

Dr. Larry Rosia
Current Role(s):
  • Board of Directors:
  • Audit Risk Committee:
    Commitee Member

Dr. Larry Rosia President and CEO, Saskatchewan Polytechnic

As President and CEO of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Dr. Larry Rosia leads the province’s primary provider of technical education and skills training. Dr. Rosia’s career in education spans more than 35 years, as an Instructor, Program Chair, Revenue Generating Coordinator, Marketing Manager, and Dean. He has more than 25 years of leadership experience in educational administration and has served in advisory roles to community, provincial and municipal committees. He is currently serving as Chair, Director, or Board Member for many Regional, National and International organizations, including: the Business/Higher Education Roundtable (BHER), CANARIE, the Community Colleges for International Development (CCID), the International Mineral Innovation Institute (IMII), Polytechnics Canada, Post-Secondary International Network (PIN), the Chair Academy, the Saskatchewan Labour Market Task Force (LMTF), the University of Regina Senate, and the World Federation of Colleges & Polytechnics (WFCP). 

Dr. Rosia is a thought-leader and well-respected ambassador for the post-secondary community, and has authored a book titled "The Successful College President."