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Support Ontario Youth (SOY Apprenticeship Programs

Support Ontario Youth (SOY facilitates on-the-job learning and mentorship through apprenticeship pathways.
Support Ontario Youth (SOY is a charity and group sponsor that supports apprentices and their employers and works to modernize the apprenticeship pathway. Electrical apprentices must acquire 9,000 hours of work experience and trade school education over five years before they can write the exam to become a licensed electrician in Ontario. One of the most valuable lessons that apprentice electricians learn from the SOY team is how to present themselves to employers. The SOY team helps apprentices realize that their college education, coupled with completing the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP, shows employers their ability to commit to and complete something. Through SOY's mentors, apprentice electricians learn about the importance of a positive attitude, doing the tasks they're assigned, and paying things forward. The apprenticeship pathway can be hard and confusing. SOY makes sure learners don't feel like they're in it alone. To learn more about SOY, visit and read more SOY apprenticeship journey stories at