In a hackathon, team of students work together to solve a problem, complete a project, pitch a solution, or develop software over a short period of time.
Teams present their ideas to judges. Generally, hackathons revolve around a specific theme or challenge and are hosted by universities. Competitions are generally hosted by universities that partner with external hackathons, festivals, competitions, or events. Students can complete intensive activities for industry/university partners.
High pressure, focused challenges revolving around a specific theme tend to bring out unique, creative solutions from students. This emerging WIL model requires a smaller time commitment and employers are exposed to an array of innovative solutions.
Employers can consider working with their organization, other partner organizations and/or PSIs to co-design a hackathon/competition revolving around a specific theme they hold expertise in. On the other hand, if employers would like to participate with less of a time commitment or if they want to learn more before co-designing, consider participating as a judge or mentor for an event.
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