Connecting leaders. Building capacity. Driving change.

Mandatory Professional Practicums / Clinical Placements

Sometimes called clinical placements, this type of WIL usually happens in a discipline that requires work experience for a professional license or certification, such as teaching, early childhood education, social work or nursing. These positions are typically team-based and unpaid, and follow strict regulations.

Things to Consider

Bolstering Productivity and Innovation

  • Practicums help develop skills for WIL students as well as exposure to different stakeholders. Being exposed to unfamiliar settings can mimic an “incubator,” encouraging students to think of creative and unique solutions to problems. This can result in greater productivity and lasting solutions. 

Corporate Social Responsibility 

  • Students can help expand an organization’s ability to serve its community, often extending to underserved populations. Consider using the increased capacity to expand your client base. 
  • Other studies have highlighted that clinics/firms who double as teaching facilities experience higher economic benefits. These results may not be recognized immediately.

Workforce Management 

  • Opportunities to mentor and supervise students seeking practical experience can help develop the leadership skills of current employees.
  • Consider having clear, detailed resources for supervisors to access to support their own learning and skill development while participating in WIL.

We Need Your Help!

We haven't heard from stakeholders in your industry about the benefits of work-integrated learning. Please share your thoughts, expectations and experiences related to the benefits of work-integrated learning by emailing the BHER team.

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Benefits & Transferable Knowledge and Skills

  • Opportunity to connect theory and practice.

One thing I think is missing is the connecting the learning to the workplace and the workplace learning back to the academic study. So, that strong connection between like learning in an academic setting and applying it in the real world and just making more sense of the learning and connecting it with the real world. So, for me that's the biggest benefit of WIL.
WIL Practitioner