Connecting leaders. Building capacity. Driving change.


A micro-placement is a short work placement that ranges from two to ten days where students work in teams or individually to complete specific projects.

Things to Consider


  • Emerging models like micro-placements are more flexible options for employers in terms of space, duration and location making it both scalable and sustainable. This allows employers to adjust/choose WIL placements that match their current capabilities and needs. 
  • As students will inevitably be working independently, set clear expectations and determine goals at the beginning of the project to help alleviate confusion. 

Building a Skilled Talent Pipeline

  • Excellent way to “test-drive” potential hires and recruit motivated individuals upon graduation. Consider recruiting students for longer periods to allow them to develop more skills, increase productivity, while also allowing the firm more time to better evaluate the fit between the student and the organization.


  • Universities can partner with a range of employers in the community, from small businesses and community organizations. These new collaborations can result in innovative ideas and the co-design of WIL placements tailored to community needs. 

Corporate Social Responsibility 

  • As emerging WIL models are incredibly flexible and can be tailored to specifics, employers can use this as an opportunity to create focused placements for diverse cohorts of students based on their capabilities and needs. This can include those from a vulnerable population.

Workforce Management 

  • Opportunities to mentor and supervise students seeking practical experience can help develop the leadership skills of current employees. Consider having clear, detailed resources for supervisors to access to support their own learning and skill development while participating in WIL.
  •  Consider tasking employees who have previous WIL experience with new WIL students; they are more likely to be motivated to support new students have realized the benefits themselves.

We Need Your Help!

We haven't heard from stakeholders in your industry about the benefits of work-integrated learning. Please share your thoughts, expectations and experiences related to the benefits of work-integrated learning by emailing the BHER team.

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Benefits & Transferable Knowledge and Skills

  • Opportunity to connect theory and practice.

One thing I think is missing is the connecting the learning to the workplace and the workplace learning back to the academic study. So, that strong connection between like learning in an academic setting and applying it in the real world and just making more sense of the learning and connecting it with the real world. So, for me that's the biggest benefit of WIL.
WIL Practitioner