Mettre en relation les dirigeants. Renforcer les capacités. Favoriser le changement.

Comité des finances, de l’audit et du risque

Rôle actuel :
  • Comité des finances, de l’audit et du risque:
    Membre de la commission

Lilian Cheung, FCPA, FCA Partner, Professional Practice Director, Deloitte LLP

Lilian is a partner in the Audit and Assurance group with Deloitte LLP in Toronto. Lilian has spent the past 15 years helping clients with audit, accounting, controls and governance issues, and specializes in serving clients in the public sector, including hospitals, education, municipal and not-for-profit clients. Lilian is passionate about giving back to her community and the Canadian corporate landscape, especially through contributing her professional skills to lift organizations and cultivate the next generation of workforce talents. Currently, Lilian is an elected Council member of CPA Ontario, the regulatory body governing CPAs in Ontario, and Board Treasurer of Kennedy House, a youth-centric community support organization located in Scarborough, where she grew up.