As a next-generation university, Concordia sets its sights further and more broadly than others. We align the quality of learning opportunities to larger trends and substantial challenges facing society. We pursue technology without losing sight of our humanity. We find inspiration through narrative and dialogue.
L'Université de Concordia est accueillante, engagée et vouée à l'innovation et à l'excellence en matière d'éducation, de recherche, d'activité créative et de partenariats communautaires. Elle ose être différente et s'appuie sur sa diversité pour transformer l'individu, renforcer la société et enrichir le monde.
Ce partenariat entre la TRAES et l'Université de Concordia permettra d'offrir trois volets de programmes axés sur l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion (EDI). Ces programmes soutiendront les groupes en quête d'équité, les placements d'étudiants en AIT sur le campus, et engageront une réflexion après une expérience d'AIT.
Pour en savoir plus sur l'Université de Concordia, visitez son site Web
- Members
Dr. Graham Carr President and Vice-Chancellor
Graham Carr is President and Vice-Chancellor of Concordia University. Ranked as the top North American University under 50 years old, Concordia’s two Montreal campuses are home to 50,000 students from more than 150 countries.
Graham’s previous leadership positions at Concordia include Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs; Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies; and Dean of Graduate Studies.
Born in Quebec, Graham earned his PhD from the University of Maine and is a Professor in the Department of History. His research focuses on Cold War cultural history.
Graham is a member of the Research Committee of Universities Canada, a member of the Executive Committee of the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire and also sits on the Steering Committee of Montreal Climate Partnership (Partenariat climat Montréal). He currently serves as Chair of the Board of U SPORTS, the national brand for university sports in Canada. He previously served on the Board of Directors of Centraide (United Way) of Greater Montreal, the board of the Leadership Council for Digital Infrastructure, as president of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, as chair of the Canada-US Fulbright selection committee, and for many years on the National Capital Commission’s Advisory Committee for Communications, Marketing and Programming.