Mettre en relation les dirigeants. Renforcer les capacités. Favoriser le changement.

Hiring Students in Ontario: How to Start and Where to Go

In this session, BHER and our WIL partner TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario discussed what’s working for small- and medium-sized companies who have used student talent, including collaboration strategies, promising WIL practices, and how WIL is helping to address talent priorities in Ontario. 

You can view the French transcript here.

The Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) is uniquely situated between industry and post-secondary, which allows us to help deliver on the Government of Canada’s commitment to offering WIL to 100% of students. BHER builds partnerships and capacity for Canada’s employers and post-secondary institutions to create sustainable WIL across the country. 

In this session, BHER and our WIL partner TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario will talk about what’s working for small- and medium-sized companies who have used student talent, including collaboration strategies, promising WIL practices, and how WIL is helps to address talent priorities in Ontario. You will also have the opportunity to engage in an open discussion and Q&A.