It’s important to get things back on track as quickly as possible with the student. First, it’s helpful to ask yourself a few questions to be sure you understand the root of the problem:

  • Did the student receive clear and written communication about the scope of the work, required tasks and timelines? 
  • Are the tasks/scope of the work appropriate given the student’s experience and skills?
  • Does the student have regular check-ins with their supervisor to talk about the status of projects/tasks? Is the student encouraged to provide feedback and flag issues?
  • Is there a mentor available to the student? Is there specific training required that could help the student get back on track?
  • If the issues are related to attendance, workplace behaviour or attitude, have you provided guidelines in writing or followed up with the student in person and in writing?
  • Does the student understand that they are not meeting expectations?

Actions to address underperformance:

  • Address underperformance as soon as possible. 
  • Be prepared and be specific. Meet with the student and outline the issues clearly. Have any documentation available for reference. Follow up in writing to ensure the student understands the issues and the action plan if appropriate. 
  • Provide appropriate training. Are there webinars or job shadowing opportunities available to support the student?
  • Ask the student how you can help them. If the problem has appeared suddenly there may be external or personal factors influencing their performance. 
  • Create performance goals together. 
  • Arrange a follow up process and acknowledge improvement. 
  • Follow up with the post secondary institution and outline the issues. Always check in with the post secondary institution first before you decide to terminate the student.