BHER is excited to offer a series of free virtual events about Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) for stakeholders who are already engaging with it and those who are new to exploring it. Each workshop is designed to tackle a unique skills challenge faced by particular regions and industries, in relation to student talent. Our topics are carefully curated to align with your needs and priorities.
Whether you're just beginning your journey with WIL or seeking advanced strategies, our sessions cater to all levels of expertise. With real-life examples from our WIL partners and interactive Q&A, we'll provide practical and actionable insights into the topics at hand.
Upcoming Events
Greening Alberta through Work-Integrated Learning
October 9, 2024
Free Virtual Event Broadcast
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (MT)
Session Overview:
The Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) is convening a free, virtual, lunchtime event about work-integrated learning (WIL) in Alberta. At BHER, we know that WIL is a crucial part of solving two big interrelated challenges: the productivity crisis and the transition to clean energy. That’s why we’re bringing together leaders from across the province to talk about how they’re equipping students with the skills Albertan employers need to grow and green the economy.
Join us to talk about WIL with post-secondary and industry leaders, and to take a deep dive into Calgary Economic Development’s innovative and successful WIL programs that get students into green careers with local SMEs. Save the date. Come for the info. Stay for the audience Q&A.
This event will be presented in English with French options available.
West coast | International students and THE tech sector
November 2024
Northern | Delivering WIL in Northern, Remote, and Indigenous Communities
December 2024
quebec | WIL in Quebec & French Speaking Canada
March 2025
Past Events
Hiring Students in Ontario: How to Start and Where to Go
In this session, BHER and our WIL partner TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario discussed what’s working for small- and medium-sized companies who have used student talent, including collaboration strategies, promising WIL practices, and how WIL is helping to address talent priorities in Ontario. You can view the French transcript here.
This event about work-integrated learning (WIL) in Atlantic Canada includes a conversation with regional post-secondary and industry leaders, including BHER members, about successful collaborations with local employers, best practices for connecting with diverse students, and trends, changes, and challenges they’re seeing in the region. It also includes a deep dive into Nova Scotia Community College’s successful Pathway to Stay program.