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Wayable is Canada’s first technology platform dedicated to connecting international students to new and meaningful careers and work experience in growing sectors of the economy. Supporting a community of over 40,000 international students, the platform is a ‘one-stop shop’ for students that connects them to the job opportunities, career development training, job-search support and the mentorship needed to start a meaningful career and pursue permanent residency in Canada.

Wayable will work closely with their national network of post-secondary partners, including York University and the University of Fraser Valley, to facilitate 670 WIL experiences that target international students aspiring to break into Canada’s tech start-up ecosystem and digital economy. These WIL experiences will feature opportunities to work on projects that are mission-critical to the success and growth of Canadian companies, as well as Wayable Career Launcher bootcamp to support international students in bridging into the Canadian labour market post-graduation. 

The WIL experiences will consist of either co-op placements, co-curricular industry projects, or York University’s cross-campus applied research projects (C4). Students will also gain the skills needed to translate their experience into post-program employment through Wayable Career Launcher bootcamp by learning how to confidently generate resumes, prepare for interviews, and respond to common questions about Canadian experience or over-qualification. These components together will put each individual on a path towards success in landing a job and starting a new career in a growing sector of Canada’s economy. In turn, this supports employers in Canada’s tech ecosystem in addressing critical talent gaps

For more information about Wayable, visit: