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Too many talented Canadians are left out of the labor market due to inaccessible workplaces. 

Accessible procurement, or AP,  prioritizes the integration of universal accessibility into procurement practices to ensure that persons with disabilities (PwDs) can work and thrive in accessible workplaces.  AP involves the purchase and utilization of tech, tools, goods, services, and infrastructure that are universally accessible and contribute to high-quality, barrier-free employment and work environments. 

We spoke with leaders from procurement intermediary organizations and procurement professionals from federally-regulated organizations to learn what employers are doing about AP.

Employers are still at the early stages of integrating AP, but it will only become more critical as organizations across the country tackle labour shortages while also working to meet the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act. 

Based on our conversations, we have identified that procurement professionals face a range of barriers and challenges, and everyone needs more capacity-building and community resources.

We elaborate some recommendations going forward to enhance awareness and knowledge, build capacity and collaboration, increase supplier diversity, coordinate and integrate, and monitor and evaluate AP efforts.  

This report is the result of a research partnership between the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), and the Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER), with funding from Accessibility Standards Canada. It is part of a larger series of BHER projects that support the Accessible Canada Act’s goal to create a barrier-free Canada by 2040.