Mettre en relation les dirigeants. Renforcer les capacités. Favoriser le changement.

Trouvez votre AIT

Il s'avère que l'AIT ne concerne pas seulement les programmes d’apprentissages ou les programmes d’éducation coopératifs. Naviguez notre outil facile à utiliser pour en savoir plus sur les différents types d'AIT. Mieux encore, en quatre étapes faciles, découvrez comment vous pouvez commencer ou développer votre parcours d'AIT. Explorez-le ci-dessous ! Vous ne savez pas comment accéder à de nouveaux talents et idées, favoriser une culture d'entreprise plus inclusive ou développer votre entreprise ? L'AIT peut vous aider dans tous ces domaines. Que vous soyez novice en matière d'AIT ou que vous cherchiez à accroître votre capacité d'AIT, notre outil 'Trouvez votre AIT' vous aidera à identifier de nouveaux types d'AIT en fonction de votre secteur, de votre niveau d'engagement et de votre capacité.

Pour recevoir une recommandation personnalisée, veuillez répondre aux questions ci-dessous.

What is your objective in engaging post-secondary students? 
What is your objective in engaging post-secondary students?

We have a recommendation for you!

Based on your selections, you may be interested in opportunities to engage post-secondary students through experiential learning competitions and events. Look at the following WIL option to learn about associated benefits, factors to consider in your industry, and funding opportunities in your region:

Based on your selections, you may be interested in opportunities to engage post-secondary students through project-based experiential learning. Look at the following WIL options to learn about associated benefits, factors to consider in your industry, and funding opportunities in your region: Project Based Learning

Based on your selection, you may be interested in engaging post-secondary students through institutional partnerships. Look at the following WIL options to learn about associated benefits, factors to consider in your industry, and funding opportunities in your region:

Based on your selection, you may be interested in opportunities to engage apprentices through on-the-job training. Learn more about the benefits of hiring an apprentice, factors to consider in your industry, and funding opportunities in your region:

Based on your selection, you may be interested in engaging post-secondary students through structured work experiences. Look at the following WIL options to learn about associated benefits, factors to consider in your industry, and funding opportunities in your region: